Listeners... hoo boy what a year it's been. This year has been painful and difficult in a lot of unnecessary ways, but we've made it through. As we close out 2020 and look towards a new year, we hope this show has brought you some comfort and laughs. As with years past, we sat down to take a look at a few games that best capture the experience of the last year. We promise it's not all maudlin - in fact, there's actually some pretty ok jokes in this one.
Greg hits us with some cool turtle facts. Dave wonders why so many people played anxiety-inducing games this year. Colin drops a reference to Das Kapital (as if they've read the whole thing). Giovanni clings to a himbo that can give us all hope.
We've been streaming at, so please give us a follow over there. If you want to catch up on past streams you can find them over on our YouTube page. You can also give us a follow on Twitter (@LTRTCast) or on the Left Trigger Right Trigger Facebook Page. We'd also really appreciate if you take a moment to give us a rate and review on your podcatcher of choice.
Games discussed include Raft, Among Us, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, and Yakuza: Like a Dragon.
Show Notes:
How To Chip Away At A Massive Games Backlog, Ari Notis, Kotaku
Attention!! we've put together a playlist of the music mentioned in this episode! You can listen along by clicking the link down in our show notes!
Folks - we're overwhelmed to introduce our very special 100th episode! Almost four years ago we got on a discord call and hashed out what this show would look like. After a couple trial runs we landed on the structure that's carried us through the last 100 episodes.
Almost as soon as we released our first episode we got a request to cover Music as a topic. In fact, Music came up every time we asked for topic suggestions. It's by far our most requested topic and we wanted to make sure we did it justice. This is an extra long episode with a ton of commentary from our friends and colleagues who've supported and inspired us over the years. This show wouldn't be what it is without their support, and this show wouldn't exist at all without you, our listeners. Thank you all for 100 episodes! Here's to 100 more!
Greg takes us through a musical dreamscape. Dave has flashbacks to his days in QA. Colin gets into a sick groove that doesn't go too fast. Giovanni lets the music take him away.
We've been streaming at, so please give us a follow over there. If you want to catch up on past streams you can find them over on our YouTube page. You can also give us a follow on Twitter (@LTRTCast) or on the Left Trigger Right Trigger Facebook Page. We'd also really appreciate if you take a moment to give us a rate and review on your podcatcher of choice.
Games discussed include Little Nemo: The Dream Master, Sonic the Hedgehog, Donkey Kong Country, and Metroid Prime.
Show Notes:
Playlist of the songs mentioned in this episode
The Genius of the Super Mario Bros. "Game Over" Theme, Andrew Schartmann, Slate
A video called "Every Time The Lightsabers Clash The Wilhelm Scream Happens"
A Reddit Post on whether time travel is possible in the Sonic universe
Hey everyone, it's your hosts from Left Trigger Right Trigger! We wanted to let you know that our next episode is our 100th episode! We're going to make it super special so please make sure that you tune in for it!
Rank: it's for more than just stinky cheeses. This episode breaks down all the systems we use to understand hierarchy and competition. Greg laments the loss of his Ms. PacMan high score. Giovanni puts us all in the Stuber-verse. Colin hates on Canada Dry (again). Dave brainstorms a new language specifically for rating games.
We've been streaming fairly consistently over at, so please give us a follow over there. If you want to catch up on past streams you can find them over on our YouTube page. You can also give us a follow on Twitter (@LTRTCast) or on the Left Trigger Right Trigger Facebook Page. We'd also really appreciate if you take a moment to give us a rate and review on your podcatcher of choice.
Games discussed include Astro's Playroom, FUSER, Battlefield 3, and Devil May Cry 5