If we haven't scared you away, you can write us a very special review on Apple Podcasts (use the codeword we mentioned and we'll read it on the next episode.) You can also find us on Facebook and Twitter, where we will be talking about the upcoming Rampage film until its release on 4/20. Lastly, you can see our ugly mugs by subscribing to our YouTube Channel.
Games discussed include Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, Grill-off with Ultra Hand, Ms. Pac Man, and Overcooked
Show Notes:
NOUR - Experimental Food Art Game
Grill-off with Ultra Hand promo video
If you're still convinced you have free will, why not exercise it by stopping by Apple Podcasts and giving us a review? You can watch us grapple with existential doubt on Facebook and Twitter. And, while you're at it, why no subscribe to our YouTube Channel, where we speak dark utterances into the infinite void. For fun!
Games discussed include Infamous Second Son, Wolfenstein: The New Order, Papers, Please, and Monster Loves You!
Show Notes:
Death of the Player - Mattie Brice
I Don’t Trust David Cage to Tackle Domestic Violence in 'Detroit' - Bruno Dias, Waypoint
David Cage on Detroit and its depiction of domestic violence - Martin Robinson, Eurogamer
Detroit: Become Human Trailer Paris Games Week 2017 - IGN (TW Domestic Abuse)