For best listening, please begin this podcast at 4:09:40 local time.
This is it - what remains of all human life. After the events in Antarctica brought about catastrophic climate change, we pinned all our hopes on the work being done at the GeoFront. Mankind survives because it has the will to do so - this is also the nature of Power, the topic of this episode. During this talk, Greg refuses to get back in his mech. Colin embraces the forbidden union of Adam and Lilith. Giovanni reverts to primordial soup. Dave awakes on a beach only to comment, "how disgusting." All this, and your hosts still manage to talk about Gex for like 20 minutes.
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Games discussed include: The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, Super Mario Bros. 3, Monster Hunter: World, and Metroid II: Return of Samus
Show Notes: