UPDATE: Thank you everyone for watching and supporting our 24-Hour Anniversary Stream. You raised over $1,100 dollars for Child's Play! You're amazing! Thank you so much, and make sure to check our YouTube for stream highlights coming soon. With that, on to the show!
Hey y'all, welcome to the first episode of Guy Fieri's American Video Game Dumpster. I'm your host, Guy Fieri, and I'm here to tell all you little shits that I better not see you on Xbox Live or my good friend Travis and I will serve you your own ass (with a side of Donkey Sauce). In this episode, I'm rudely interrupted by some real assholes who want to talk about the one-year anniversary of their garbage show that I've barely even been on. These losers talk about "being friends," "growing as people," and other absolute trash that no one wants to hear. Really, the only thing that interested me was that one game at the end that gave me some really good ideas for new recipes.
Anyway, my boy T says to remind you to head over to
Apple Podcasts and rate this show. Also, you cretins can find my new recipes on
Facebook and
Twitter. And I guess you can see on-demand videos of my new series on
I'm Guy Fieri- See You All In Hell!
Games discussed include: Battlefield Hardline, Destiny, Dance Dance Revolution, and Encyclopedia Fuckme and the Case of the Vanishing Entree