Welcome to a vaguely spooky episode of Left Trigger Right Trigger. Slightly scary guest Andrew Zucosky joins your hosts to discuss "Disempowerment," a word that may not actually exist. And how appropriate, dear listeners, because is there anything as ambiguously eerie as the plausible deniability of existence?
Tune in as Andrew gushes over anything approximating a tentacle. Greg talks about his jaws that bite, his claws that catch. Giovanni says he's not going to talk about something and then totally talks about it. Colin discovers they're powered by blood. Dave pitches a phenomenal crossover hit of a game.
We'd love to hear about your ideas for disempowering games over on Facebook and Twitter. You can also tune in to our currently disempowered YouTube Channel. And, if you feel up to it, leave us a review on Apple Podcasts. We'd really appreciate it.
Games discussed include: Resident Evil 4, Hearthstone, Metroid: Zero Mission, EXTREME MEATPUNKS FOREVER, and Stick It to the Man!
If you like LTRT, why not check out our new show, Fullmetal Bazinga?
Show Notes:
Meta Polarity and its Impact on Hearthstone, Brian Kibler, Vicious Syndicate.