Hail adventurer! Watch thine step as you venture closer to the mount as a dragon roosts within it. If the smell of gold dares waft to the lair within, the dragon will rise and search out the scent. Better to offload your coin now than risk it, wouldn't you say?
In this episode: Giovanni hits the apex early, David watches the world change around him, Greg feels duped
If you're ready to leave your gold behind, consider submitting it to our Patreon. If you'd rather risk the wrath of the dragon, maybe leave a rating or review on your podcatcher of choice.
Games discussed: Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, Monster Hunter: World, Dragon Warrior
Show Notes:
Over here, stranger. Got somethin' that might interest ya, heheheh. Take a look at this new episode of Left Trigger Right Trigger where they talk about how they like to store things, including weaponry, ammo, herbs, and food, something I sense you have knowledge of. I swear this one's got it all, including an eating challenge. But if that's not your speed, then what're you buyin?
In this episode: Giovanni takes a big bite, Greg goes to battle, David goes to the source.
If you'd like to help us improve our wares, consider supportin us on Patreon for as little as $1. If that's too rich for you, consider leaving a rating or review.
Games discussed: Wilmot's Warehouse, Backpack Battles, Diablo 2