Welcome, defenseless listeners, to the Escort episode! Let these four barely competent boys guide you to your auditory destination. Be careful, for the path is fraught with digressions and distractions that will endanger you and your stalwart hosts. These include: intellectual property theft (sorry Cool Games Inc. fans,) friendly dogs eager for attention, memories of abstinence only sex education, and The Shame Bell™
If you survive the trip, let us know your thoughts at the Left Trigger Right Trigger Facebook page or tweet at us @LTRTCast.
Games discussed include Portal, Yoshi's Island, Kirby Mass Attack, and Enslaved: Odyssey to the West
Here it is, the first topic chosen by our audience! Join the boys on a whimsical journey as they discuss potential cast members for "The Fast and The Furious: 2000," uncover that one of them hasn't played any games, and introduce a special new segment that literally no one asked for! This is the episode you voted for, everyone!
(Oh and listen, we know it's the Order of No Quarter. We messed up in the episode, but we know what it's actually called. Please don't message us about it.)
Games discussed include The Wolf Among Us, Shovel Knight, Frog Fractions, and Brutal Legend
Hoo boy where do we start with this one? Ayla Kaluski joins the boys to talk about her experience running a nature preserve for anthropomorphic piñatas. Dave laments how strangers convince his friends and neighbors to move away and leave him. Colin and Giovanni develop an orc dating sim/hookup app. Oh, and GREG RETURNS! This episode features an absurd amount of product placement from various breweries and soda companies, as well as in-depth discussion of collections of all types.
Don't forget to pick up some of Dave's exclusive artwork only available from April 11th - April 18th! Get it here: https://society6.com/bonesmcjones
We kind of end this show on a question: is there a functional difference between collection in games and selection? Let us know your thoughts!
Games discussed include Shadow of Mordor, Viva Piñata, Metroid Prime, Animal Crossing, and The Legend of Zelda.
Additional show notes:
Colin Learns to DAB: https://www.instagram.com/p/BSuIJh2BM0d/
Greg is Steven Universe's Dad: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EO8jbbYEbnc&t=44s
CRAVE RIDER: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0NDCAZ0u18k
Moozipan Sex Dance (NSFW): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qH7LrgHJcyA
It's our third episode and we don't waste any time getting completely off the rails. Greg, the moral compass of the show, is absent so naturally the three remaining hosts immediately conduct a taste-test of Nintendo's new Switch cartridges. Take a trip with this unholy trinity into the depths of our twisted, geocities-based minds as we explore body horror, physical violence, and juvenile humor through the topic of Body Parts.
Games discussed include: Dead Space, Tomb Raider (2013) and most of the Metal Gear Solid franchise.
Gif from Episode: http://i.imgur.com/EzfKYAv.gif
Hey all, we are so sorry about this. It’s our 2nd episode and we’ve already had to Ken Burns the crap out of this thing. What happened? Time is a valuable thing and instead of watching it fly by while the pendulum swings we realized we could just use the magic of audio editing software. Which is good because the four of us are about to not only lose trust in the games industry… but in our very hearts as well. Discussion ranges from the perils (and joys) of playing games with strangers to the use of poorly optimized game mechanics as a stand-in for god. It gets a little heady but trust us, it's an episode you don't want to miss.
Games discussed include Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, Overwatch, Custer's Revenge Little Inferno, and Bioshock.
In our inaugural episode we stake our claim in the podcast world with our first topic: Territory. Come listen as the gang also explores how there somehow isn't a Minecraft mod called "Mimecraft" and what happened to the good ol' days of couch co-op. Oh and, uh, there's some discussion about orcish anatomy that we're really sorry about.
Games discussed include Tony Hawk's Pro Skater, Splatoon, Of Orcs and Men, and Carcassone.