Oh, hello. Welcome to the gates, thanks for checking in. Looks like.....you've been listening to podcasts, specifically general media podcasts marketing themselves as video game podcasts. Well, you had a good run. Too bad you didn't get to listen to their latest, the last in a long run with Andrew Zucosky. It's ok though, they'll probably have it where you're going. Hmmm? Oh I have no idea where you're headed, I'm just the greeter.
In this episode, David hops on pots, Giovanni talks about [redacted], Greg tells the story of death, Andrew asks "what does it matter?"
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Games discussed: Disney's Aladdin, Final Fantasy 7, Neon White, One Chance
Show Notes: Masks episode
It's our 200th episode! We take some time to look back and look forward and think about things, like the various celebrities with ice cream flavors named after them and if anyone knows who those are anymore. For the record, we know. We know everything. We've always known. YOU CANNOT HIDE THE TRUTH FROM US AS WE'VE ALWA- ahem, sorry about that. Nothing to see...
In this episode, Giovanni looks at the waves, David races time itself, Greg uses his bodies to create a platform.
If you'd like to support us, consider leaving a rating or review on your podcatcher of choice. If you're wondering where the Patreon link is, listen to the beginning of the episode.
Games discussed: Super Mario Sunshine, Wave Race 64, UFO 50
Show Notes:
"Comedy series about a tight-knit group of friends living in Manhattan. It also covers their interactions with their families, their lovers, and various colleagues over a period of several years." That's what IMDB says the synopsis is for the hit TV show Friends. Never has a synopsis given me pause and made me ask if I'm in a simulation. Thankfully, none of us live in Manhattan anymore so we definitely don't live in that particular simulation, but what about New Girl...
In this episode, Giovanni is in scheduling hell, David keeps trying, Greg tries to stay positive (results inconclusive).
If you'd like to join our simulation, consider joining our Patreon for as little as $1 to join our Discord. Or if you'd like to weigh in on the parameters, leave us a rating or review on your podcatcher of choice.
Games discussed: Borderlands, The Finals, Pokemon X & Y