Holes. We've all got them, some more than others. As we dive down the rabbit hole of Hole, remember to take care of and look out for your holes along this journey. Are you oiling them regularly? Can they open and shut with ease? Do they still deploy torpedoes at a regular rate when people inside you prepare them? Are your holes rated to handle the pressure of the deep ocean so the people inside of you stay safe?
In this episode: Giovanni gets stuck, Tom throws dice, David is literal, Greg pulls out the imaginary dictionary
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Games discussed: Halo: The Master Chief Collection, Yu-Gi-Oh: Dungeon Dice Monsters, Donut County, Pitfall
Show Notes: https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/donut-county-review
Welcome to Left Trigger Right Trigger, can I take your order? Uh huh....ok so you want that episode meal with fewer rants about the gaming industry? Sure we can do that. What size drink would you like? Yeah....yes we have Diet Goo Energy drink available. No, Gooigi toys are actually sold separately. Ok so that's a Fast Food episode meal with a large Diet Goo Energy drink and Gooigi children's toy. Anything else? Sure we can do a Desert episode dessert.
In this value meal: Greg flips burgers right of the bat, David mans the fryer with corporations, Giovanni works the register for fun.
If you'd like to join our team, you can join directly for as little as $1 on Patreon. Or you can submit a resume by leaving us a rating or review on your podcatcher of choice.
Games discussed: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, I Love You Colonel Sanders! A Finger Lickin' Good Dating Simulator, Resident Evil 6